Updating Web sites

I am very eager to learn how to create a web site, where students and parents have access to the classroom. The benefits include increased motivation, communication, parent participation, digital portfolios, pre-selected web sites, and much more. What happens when the teacher starts up the web site in the beginning of the year and rarely updates it? I feel that many teachers and schools are not updating their web sites to include the most current information. When really they are a few months behind! What happens with a single mom, working two jobs, that used to look up daily information about her child? That connection with school and the classroom is now broken. If you are going to create a web site, in order to reap the benefits, you have to maintain it and keep updating it. Many of the articles we read about classroom web sites mentioned the importance, but not the essential element? If you do create a web site try to stick with it, show you can be consistent, because looking at a web site could reveal your true teaching style!

2 Responses

  1. I completely agree. Its like Dr. Ransom was saying about blogs…keeping them updated because there may be people waiting for another entry. There are parents waiting for an update. I went on to the website of the classroom I used to student teach in, and it hadn’t been updated since September!!! I was sooo disappointed.

  2. Absolutely. There is no point creating a resource that becomes useless because it is not kept current and is not populated with useful information that your audience will be looking for. The result will be that your audience will stop going to that source because it is NOT a useful resource for them.

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