iPods in edu

I like the idea of using iPods in schools, especially for students with disabilities. The video that we watched about iPods for students with  special needs, allows students to listen to tests. The principal mentions that the teacher can focus more on how the students are processing with the iPods, and I don’t know how much I agree. I think it is a good way for the teacher to not spend as much time with the students because she does not have to do that job anymore. This device seems to be more beneficial for the teacher! In order to focus on the way students process, they need to be present. I do like the idea of using iPods in the classroom just for tests. They could use them for books, voice recording and so much more. Since the iPod is used to fulfill IEP modifications, does the school have to provide them? They can be costly and we all know schools are not willing to give up funds, unless absolutely necessary. I think some students may benefit from the iPod if they have a teacher that still teaches and does not let the iPod take over the educators role.

One Response

  1. I think devices like the ipod can assume the more menial teacher roles. However, I would agree with you that there is no substitute for a highly trained and effective teacher.

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